Tuesday, August 29, 2006
What A Day!
What A Day!I feel good. I feel REALLY good. Today is one of those days where i can go to sleep satisfied, knowing that i've packed in a full day's work, and hopefully touch some lives at the same time.
It began with heading down to Changi Airport at abt 10am to try to get in some mugging before work began for Spiritmakers (SM). Managed to complete a little bit at least, though i'm still getting too easily distracted, dammit. At least i finished "fred the great". =P
The maths and science trail with SM today was really good stuff. My kids were fun to work with, and attentive when they're supposed to be. it seems that all the conditions came together to ensure today's success. The teacher who was accompanying the kids had a number of good inputs that added to the whole learning procedure. Everything went so smoothly, we even had the time for an extra station!! At the end of the day, I'm quite sure the kids had fun, AND learned a little more about maths and science, and that's basically all anyone can ask for.
After the whole thing, i had a really good conversation with agatha on the bus ride back to yishun and over dinner.
All in all, a day well spent.
I guess my experiences today reinforced my love for teaching young kids and hopefully in someway, moulding their future (cheesy i know, but hey, sometimes cliches work best). And yet, i really dun wish to go into the teaching profession per se, i doubt i could take the mundanity (this word exists according to of day to day teaching and the other responsibilities that come with being a teacher nowadays. But i guess, education is still the field i would want to go into in future.
Certainly, judging by today and all the other projects i've done with SM, its one of the most rewarding, and not just in the financial sense. Like Joel likes to say, "It's all about the kids."
Sunday, August 27, 2006
Slack Attack
Slack AttackYou guys just refuse to give up. I've already said, I'm different now, I've, stop bugging me!
Weekends are horrible for a would-be mugger like me. 2nd weekened in a row where honestly, I haven't done very much work. haiz, so many distractions at home man. but all in all, its been a pretty good weekend. went to the airport for some spiritmakers briefing on sat morn, then had mahjong session on sat nite, came back to watch man utd (GO YOU REDS!!) beat watford 2-1 accompanied by the ever tasty chongpang nasi lemak (suck it kenneth! wahaha). managed to get abt 4hrs of sleep before i headed down to RI for a kick-about. Been lazing at home since. Good stuff man...just...not much work done.
Random note 1: Blogger's layout for posting new posts makes it very inconducive to type posts, at least for me. its so plain and WHITE. grrr...
Random note 2: been listening to new radical these past few days. They're realli gd! haha...aside from their 2 hit singles, You Get What You Give and Someday We'll Know, the rest of the album's pretty solid stuff. Pity they've ever onli made one album.
Friday, August 25, 2006
Situation: Critical
Situation: CriticalDear all, i'm terribly sorry. All u slackers out there, i've betrayed the cause. i've given up the good fight and gone over to the dark side. I've turned into a true blue mugger.
Ok....the transformation's not complete yet, but i'm sure as hell getting there. and the best thing, i actualli like it. for perhaps one of the few times in my life, i've acquired a sense of purpose, of direction, of the need to stop wasting my life away. i think all in all, that's a good thing yah. i seriously hope that this sense of purpose can persist and i can continue pia-ing all the way. GOGOGO!!
in other news:
my financial situation has worsened to a critical pt. at this rate, i think i would be subsisting on maggi mee and biscuits before long. help!! i desperately nid some income.
Friday, August 18, 2006
Low On The Dough
Low On The DoughThis is bank acct has plummeted. Its been reduced to only 2 digits....ok...Strictly speaking, its 4 digits...with a decimal pt in the middle. Sighz...Jazz@South Bridge on saturday, Bar None on monday, and Zouk/Phuture last nite...sure way to spend wadeva u have left in ur bank acct.
Bar None was slightly disappointing...the poster stated that the live bands would begin at 8pm, but the first set was only at 9.45pm.. wtf man...and onli one band was realli gd. the other 2 seemed to lack something...x-factor? Zouk/Phuture wasn't all that great either...i guess i just wasn't realli up to partying last nite...
Dammit many things to little time to do them...
Sunday, August 13, 2006
Cashflow And Jazz@South Bridge
Cashflow And Jazz@South BridgeI'm feeling strangely motivated and all rdy to pia...i realli hope this feeling lasts man...its abt time i started doing something usual in my life.
I played this game called Cashflow ytd...its designed by Robert Kiyosaki, author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad. As a game, it REALLY was pretty fun...haha...i think i did pretty well, for my first time. What realli eked me abt the whole thing was right, the ppl who were there, they like to exclaim their agreement to wad the gamemaster says sometimes...its reali quite eerie when ppl all over the place go "yes" together...abit like brainwashing effect like that sia.
aniwae...after the game, i met up with shifu and cass and we headed to parkway for dinner, before going down to Jazz@South Bridge. The ambience of tt place was realli quite gd, it had a cosy feel to it...though tt could be translated into "cramp". the music wasnt too bad, just tt i dun exactly appreciate jazz...we opened a bottle of shiraz, and boy oh was pretty good man...haha...i haven't drank so much in a long, LONG time. overall, i had a pretty good time and came back feeling nice and high...haha
Thursday, August 10, 2006
IronyPhew! What a day! If ever I needed an indication that I'm getting "old", today's proof. I'm feeling realli, REALLY tired right now cos I've been out since 2pm and only just got home...To think that in the not so distant past, I would definitely still be feeling energetic and gearing up for more!
Met shifu today and we went to Holland V, where she had lunch, then we walked around the shopping centre (the one above Cold Storage). It's a really cool place btw, everything was so quaint and laidback, yet there was quite abit of good stuff there too. Certainly not what you would expect. We went into Cold Storage too, to look for wasabi chips. Came out empty-handed though. Next was NYDC, where we had mudpies. Unfortunately, there was this realli pungent smell that permeated the whole restaurant; suffice to say, it wasn't a very pleasant experience. The mudpies weren't that good either...i swear they're smaller than they used to be. In spite of that however, we still spent quite abit of time there cos we got into this discussion abt me and my radical ideas of life, rather...death.
We then headed to Liang Court where i had to pick up some free vacuum cleaner that my parents got for subscribing to Straits Times. The damn thing was friggin heavy la...basket! Liang Court's really quite sad nowadays, there didnt seem to be too many ppl arnd. Btw, some books at the Kino there are cheaper than those at the Orchard Branch...knnbccb man. There IS one redeeming factor abt LC though, and tt's the Jap supermarket, Mediya (or however u spell it). Shifu and I went in to continue our quest for wasabi chips, and though we couldnt find it in the end (sold out i presume), shifu indulged herself with buying a whole lot of sweets and biscuits. That place is a sweet lover's Heaven man. We then wandered around Clarke Quay, checking out the restaurants, staring at the bumboats on the River, and just slacking arnd basically.
Finally, we decided to head to Serangoon Gardens for dinner at Sushi Tei. On the way there however, I almost met with an accident...and i swear that i wasn't at fault. KNNBCCB....i was driving along River Valley Road, from LC towards Grange Road. At the Clemenceau Ave junction, i was travelling on the middle lane, when out of nowhere, this black Audi A6 swerved into my lane from the right turning lane!! luckily i was quick enough to jam on the brakes, if not......i SWEAR that there couldn't have been more than 30cm between the 2 cars man. And then at the very NEXT junction, the driver swerved the A6 at the very LAST minute into the right turning lane...Like WTF man. Some ppl should be banned from the roads. The driver's a lady by the way....I rest my case. To make things worse, dinner was quite terrible as the food was disappointing. We did manage to find the wasabi chips though...@ NTUC of all places. LOL...and the very last packet at that. Hurrah for local supermarkets i say. To cap it all off, i bought IRONY peppermints...I realli like the packaging man.
All in all, today was realli enjoyable, the company more than anithing else. Thx shifu for the great time we had...(: Slowly, enjoy your wasabi chips horh...keke.
P.S. i think i nid to be more concise. LOL.
Monday, August 07, 2006
weak as a puppy
i've been sick the past few days. been battling bouts of fever/throat infection/coughs/cold.....FLU. as a result, i havent seen the light of day for the last few days (figuratively speaking)
and being cooped up in your bed does strange things to one's perception sometimes. meanwhile, i've visited every blog on my firefox bookmarks at least a dozen times in between, "alternatingly" (i'm quite sure there's no such word, but screw it, i'm sick.) clicking on links to soccernet/teamtalk about once every 30seconds and becoming quite professional at feeling BOTH bored AND wretched at the same time. Sigh.
Aniwae, i dropped by Wala's the other day with some dudes, and disappointingly, the band wasn't as good as the previous times i've been there. Or like eug said, maybe its cos of the wimpy crowd that kept requesting for thrashy songs. all in all, it was fun cos of the company, but it could have been a lot better. Oh yah, bourbon coke destroys your throat. dun order it if u're already nursing a sore throat. UNLESS of cos u're looking for an MC.
I can't wait for school to start....
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
Rants #1
Rants #1I watched Lakehouse ytd..*gasps*. TBH, the show wasn't too bad and the only disappointment was the ending. For a show that IMO promised so much, and in the end for it to go back to the cliche Hollywood-esque ending really took the flavour out of my mouth. I would like to believe that there exists a Love to transcend all things immutable, death, time, LIFE itself. Idealist perhaps, romantic perhaps, but screw it man. There has got to be a Love that can survive tragic endings and say suck it to "happily ever afters"
I'm stuck in a rut...again. No motivation, no fucking impetus for anything, no goals, no ambitions; I'd dread the day where I realise that life is really nothing more than...I dunno.
To me, for so long, LIFE has been nothing more than looking forward to the next temporary high. The dangers of course, is this numbing feeling....What's left when there are no more highs?
July 2006
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